
JRosetta is a Jython console offering advanced features like Java and Python object completion similar to modern IDEs.

JyConsole was merged with project JRosetta.

JRosetta is written in pure Java and uses Jython library and modules. JRosetta includes the history of executed commands, completion and downloading of external scripts using a simple effective graphic interface./p>

JRosetta can be extended, but its first priority is to be a portable console that can be used alone or integrated into a Java or Jython application.

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  • Completion in Python/Java like in Eclipse;
  • Simple loading of Python scripts;
  • Support the use of several consoles in the same environment without the problem of outflow as is the case with the basic Jython interpreter.

JyConsole is already utilized in several open source applications:

- the SPIS project;
- the Cassandra viewer;
- HermesJMS, an application to manage JMS queues;
- jeHEP, a text editor written in java that permits on-the-fly verification of syntax.

JRosetta, the version evolved from JyConsole, is the new console of Scilab.

JRosetta is available for free download under the QPL license at the following address: JRosetta Home.

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